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Mitrik Pritchard. Age: 1019. Gender: Male. Race: Vampire/Shapeshifter. Sexual Orientation: Straight. Further information is available in his files.

Likes: Night, Blood.

Dislkes: Day, Sun.

Weapons: Fangs and claws in certain forms, along with weapon rings.


Further information: Travel one thousand years into the past. You are in a large, almost pre-historic town, with a large population and even some of what would be considered today as mythical creatures. Technology was very basic at the time, and thus records were not kept. This means that most people today know little to nothing of the world at the time, Mitrik being one of the few who do, though this is due to the fact that this is the time period he was born in.

          Born as an average human, Mitrik spent the early years of his life living alone with his mother. His father stayed at a nearby ranch, supporting his family with the wages he earned working in the fields of this ranch, almost working like a slave in order to work off the debt the family owed to the owner of the ranch who owned the house that his family lived in. In return for this hard work, his family was allowed to live in the house and were kept fed, allowing for Mitrik to grow up with little to worry about, aside from the lack of time he spent with his father.

        Fast forward now to his Eight-teenth birthday, and Mitrik has grown to be a handsome, strong, and independent man, living on his own away from home now. He worked passively, instead of working hard like his father had, his occupation was that of an information broker for traveling traders. He would help any trader that needed information on the town, allowing them to find who and where they will have the best luck selling their wares. This worked out well for him, until his fateful meeting with the man who would change his life, turning him into a man of the night. Mitrik was not against helping those who attempted to sell things that they weren't supposed to, including stolen goods. As he called it, if they are going to be sold anyway, Mitrik might as well make a profit off the transaction as well. This, however, led him to meeting a strange man late in the night. Of course, Mitrik just assuming it was due to the goods he carried being stolen, but that turned out not to be the case. The man was a vampire, a pure-blood dweller of the night, and the man was looking constantly for his next meal. When he had heard of Mitrik, he had seen an opportunity for an easy meal, and instantly gone to meet him.

         To cut a long story short, the man tricked Mitrik into following him into a back alley, and preyed upon him, deciding to make him a denizen of the night as well. While Mitrik was going through a painful change, the man disappeared.

         Fast forward now to the present, and now Mitrik is a kind-hearted vampire, who hasn't entirely come to terms with his situation, even after a thousand years. He sates his need for blood by drinking that of an animal, refraining from draining a human. However, he still loses control sometimes, and has been known to assault a human for a drink every fifty years, and as it stands now, it arrives upon the cusp of that fifty year window...

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