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Ah, Valaran Yukiko. Age: 18-21. Gender: Male. Race: Human/Half-Elf. Sexual Orientation: Straight. Further information available in his files.

Likes: Nature, the cold, Day, and Night.

Dislikes: Cities, and Heat

Weapons: Valaran uses his gloves to cast magic, using magic of the water and ice elements. He also has a blue sword, but he rarely uses it in combat.
Further Information: Valaran was born into a rich family, as the only successor to his parents fortune. His mother passed away during childbirth, leaving his father to take care of him. Valaran's father, however, wasn't very good with children, and so Valaran was left to be taken care of by whomever his father hired to take care of him at the time. This translated to a very hard childhood for him, as no one person took care of him for more than a year. At the age of 6, Valaran was left as the head of the family when his father died in a tragic incident involving a mugger. As the sole head of the family, and the only remaining member of the family, many attempted to take advantage of him.
         At first, Valaran was very gullible and allowed himself to be used, but he always ended up learning of their deception, eventually they would slip up and mention something without realizing he was there, and he would fill with rage and pain as he realized he had been used. After the second or third time in two years, Valaran snapped. This time, he lost control of himself and did something nobody had expected, he exploaded on the man who was using him, freezing him into a solid statue in an instant. He was only Eight. As the rumours about this spread around, a man appeared at Valaran's door, offering him to teach him how to control his new abilities at a school for mages. He accepted.
         Now, Nine years later, Valaran returns home. He has become vacant and a little aloof, he can be cold, but over all he is just a little lonely. At the school he was mostly left to his own devices, as he wasn't willing to come close to anyone, for fear of being used again. Now, he lays around, often found buried in one of his books on magic. His schooling might be over, but he had a long lifetime of learning still ahead of him.
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