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Ah! Hello, here to see Lillith? Let's see here... where did I leave her files...

 *banging and clanging begins, and a few moments later the files are produced for you

Name: Lillith


Age: 19-25


Gender: Female


S/O: Straight


Likes: Dysis, loyalty, faithfulness, honor. 


Dislikes: Too many to list. 


Bio: A "Gifted" by the shadows like Dysis, Tyri lives to serve the one she believes to be her leader, Dysis Senka. she is an A rank shadow manipulator, and pays little to no mind to most, with the main exception being that of Dysis, whom she loves greatly and serves faithfully. While she isn't really looking for anyone at the moment, her heart could still be won by someone who truly loved her. 

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