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Ahh, Dark Higurashi. Age: Unknown. Gender: Male. Race: Kitsune. Sexual Orientation: Straight. Further information is available in his files.

Likes: Apples, Rabbit, Kind Humans, The colors Red and Black

Dislikes: Groups of humans, Demon Hunters

Weapons: Claws on his hands or paws based on form.


Further information: Having been raised among his pack, Dark had led a rather wild childhood. In his younger years, he had spent much of his time chasing other children of his kind through the forest, playing games, faking fighting, even marking his territory occasionally, in an attempt to impress the adults of his pack.

           However, this was not to last. While his pack was strong, they eventually became encroached upon, the forest home they lived in being torn down and the trees being shipped away. This forced his tribe into a more nomadic lifestyle, which had an effect on the way he would continue to live. His life soon filled with constant training, in combat, hunting, and survival. All three of these things were drilled into the pups of the pack, as the adults began to fear for the futures of their young. This was, as it turned out, well justified.

           Their lives continued on like this for a year or so, before the event that changed Darks life forever. Dysis was sent out to hunt for the pack, as food began to dwindle in their makeshift den, and the older members of the pack began to struggle to handle themselves, the strain of the constant travel catching up to them. Being a loyal member of his pack, he had left to bring back as much prey as he could scavange up, worrying about their elders as much as any of them. He had excelled at everything he had been taught, and as such was an excellent hunter. He had spent the entire day in the woods, and was now on his way back home with a rather large hull, ready to deliver the food. However, in the now darkened sky, he could see an orangish glow in the distance. Fear flashing through him, he had rushed back, to check on the pack that he cared deeply for.

          All of his friends, his family, and even his girlfriend, lay dead on the ground as their den burned. Rage, grief, and fear all raged inside of him, wrestling fiercly for control of his body as he dropped to the ground, looking up into the night sky to howl in sorrow. The hunters who had killed his pack were long gone by now, having thought their jobs done, so he was safe as he sat their, crying out in a mixture of grief and rage.

         Ever since then, Dark has distrusted the human race in it's entirety. He didn't know why any of this had happened, but he didn't care. His life had gone on, his training in the pack serving to keep him alive and well as he lived on his own now, in what was left of the forest. Several years passed, and eventually the destruction of his forest stopped. Now, he lives alone in the woods, serving as it's sole protector, in an attempt to prevent any trageties like what befell his people to happen again. Every so often, however, he can be found to walk about in the city nearby. His distrust is still very strong, but his need for company propels him to search for someone he can truely trust.

         Around those he trusts, Dark will grow docile, peaceful, and even a little submissive. His memories of his pact still haunt him, but he has learned to move on, and aims to do just that, with the hopes of someday being able to rebuild the pack he has lost.

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